Physical Conditioning & Functional Training

Whether you are an athlete or a non-athletic regular person, physical conditioning is an absolute necessity for each and every person to stay fit, function efficiently in every day-to-day activities and to prevent any hypokinetic diseases. The overall physical condition of an individual defines the Physical fitness. It may vary from person to-person. The coach at our academy has made sure to balance the physical conditioning training routine considering each and every individual. Every person is given individual attention so that they can keep up with the very challenging nature of the training. The results of the training are overwhelming indeed.

We conduct our physical conditioning sessions during the weekdays. Here every fundamental aspect of strength and endurance building, speedĀ  training. Every Saturday we conduct our Functional training program is a bit more challenging then our regular physical conditioning exercises. We have integrated the Closed kinetic chain exercises as well as Functional training exercises in our module . These exercises will improve the stability, mobility allowing individuals to perform their daily activities with ease avoiding injuries.

Both our physical conditioning as well as functional training classes will improve your endurance, agility, speed, core muscles, posture, flexibility, burns out calories, and induces muscular strength. Our module offers the best way to get in shape in a very short period of time IF and only IF you are consistent with your practice. In short you have every chance of building a better you. All you need is to push yourselves a bit more harder than your limits. Join us and we promise that you will see the results sooner than you expect it. But it depends only if you are ready to give your best!!